Friday, January 26, 2018


Hello Hello
We have moved to a new website

See you there !


Friday, November 24, 2017


A little transformation here my friends, the first picture I am pregnant with my second kid at 39 weeks. I gained 63 pounds , my blood pressure was extremely high ( had to be on medication after baby was born ) . The second picture is a little over a year after my daughter was born. 
Transformation takes patience , dedication , self love , and most important having a GOAL.
So, if you want to lose weight or make changes in your life my first point is for you to define your Goal.

-What is your goal?
-What changes you need to make to start to make it happen?

These simple 3 questions are the base for transformation to happen.
My goal was to lose the weight, get off blood pressure medication , feel good , have energy to play with my kids. So, I started slow with short walks, then runs, then signed up for a triatlhon and just kept going from there. 
My question to you is.... What is your goal???

for more exercise info go to

by Pri Monroe

Monday, September 11, 2017


" Let food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food."     

When it comes to MY super anti inflammatory foods here is MY favorites



-Berries (strawberry , blueberry , raspberry )

Healthy fat
-Olive oil

Healthy sweet
-Dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
-Raw cacao

Nuts and seeds

-Brown Rice
-Steel cut oatmeal
-Wild Rice

-Pinto Beans
-Black Beans

Herbs and Spices


What are your favorite super food????


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Its always nice to know an easy recipe for a liver cleanser tea. With fall approaching soon, this one is the perfect easy recipe .

Ingredients are 
-Cayenne pepper (I sometimes skip the pepper)

Boil the water and then add the ginger. On a cup add the honey, lemon, turmeric and cayenne. Its that easy and so good for your body.


Pri Monroe

Monday, August 14, 2017


       Do you want a instant boost of energy?

 I am not talking about a energy drink or a secret pill. My instant natural way to immediately boost my energy and burn some good calories is JUMPING ! Yes, Jumping. 

It sounds silly , I know! But there is some type of magic that happens when my feet is off the ground.
I can do it anywhere , doesn't cost anything and always put me in a better mood. 
It's a simple act , you don't need to jump 5 feet up , just being able to get your feet off the ground is enough.

So, next time you need a boost of energy how about jumping?! Do it and let me know if works for you too. 


Que tal uma energia instantânea ?

Nao estou falando de bebidas energéticas ou um remédio milagroso. Minha maneira de ter energia natural e instantânea PULAR. Sim, pular.

Parece coisa de doido ne, eu sei. Mais tem uma certa magica que acontece qdo os meus pés saem do chão. 

Da para fazer em qualquer lugar, não custa nada , e sempre deixa meu humor melhor.
Nao se precisa pular metros, somente tirando os pes do chao e suficiente.

Entao, a próxima vez que você precisar de uma energia instantânea que tal pular ? Pula e me conta depois.

                                                       by Pri Monroe

more about exercise go to

Monday, June 19, 2017


These two photos are almost one year apart. The first one is 2 months after my second baby, I gained 63 pounds on my second pregnancy (45 pounds on the first) and honestly  was doubting myself if my body would go back to pre baby shape. It's a working progress and an amazing journey to see my body transform, it is a slow process but I always say , It took 39 weeks for the body to transform so be patient and don't think the body will change overnight. 

For both kids I had an schedule c-section, I wasn't able to exercise on my second pregnancy besides taking walks with my family. I ate pretty clean thru the pregnancy and still gained 63 pounds!!! Had high blood pressure at the end of pregnancy and even after baby was born. 

Having a vision on what  your GOAL is the key for SUCCESS , mine was to loose the extra pounds and toned my body again. 
Moms out there know that abdominal area is the hardest one to get back in shape due to the amazing stretch that happened for all those months!!! 
I started to exercise 4 months after having the baby. I did not wake up one day and ran 3 miles , it was a slow and caring process.... as I call baby steps. 
MY MODEL BODY CORE exercise is helping my core to get strong and more defined. (To learn more go to )

Clean eating plays a huge part on my transformation. I don't skip meals, I have healthy snacks thru the day.... I don't like the word DIET, I like to call my Eating Plan . So , my Eating Plan is 90% - 10% . 90% of the time I eat fruits, vegetables , grains , healthy fats. The other 10% I indulge on cookies, ice cream , chips and sodas. I want balance in life and yes sometimes I don't want to eat a fruit, I want a cookie so I do it in very small amounts .

Having a husband that is a personal trainer (creator of MY MODEL BODY GUIDES EXERCISE) and a Fitness Nutrition Specialist does help me to be mentally motivated to be in my the best shape, but is up to ME to put my hair up, tennis shoes on and DO IT!

For more info on my other exercise go to

So the question is, What is your body goals?

                                                                                            Pri Monroe 


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


    The best advice I can give regarding a workout plan is to have fun! Try utilizing all 10 general physical skills (cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, speed, power, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.)

 Learning to play new sports is a good example. Sports and playing my exercise game with others are great ways for you to meet new people. The competition will help keep the excitement in your workouts.

You can never forget about the main reasons why you began training in the first place. While showing off your newly ripped stomach, back and arms isn’t necessarily a bad reason, I sure hope there are many other quality explanations for wanting to get in great shape. 

Like living a long, healthy life or having the opportunity to try new things which require being physically fit. Exercising gives the freedom and flexibility to do many activities such as traveling the world, trying out different activities, starting new relationships and retaking your independence.
 These types of experiences are wonderful realities about being in shape. 

Go to For Exercice Guide info.